Each season brings a perfect opportunity to cue you in on what you should do next for your skin. With different seasons, come different concerns, priorities and goals. Each season in the year, demands something different from your skin. When the weather is warm, there is more moisture in the air. When picking a toner, you don't need to worry too much about hydrating your skin or applying a thicker moisturizer. But as Fall brings cooler, drier weather, your skin will get dehydrated; making those fine lines and wrinkles more noticeable.
With shifting weather patterns and our skin working hard to adapt, here are a few select products to help you transition from Summer to Fall:
1. Moisturize
When air becomes cooler and drier, your body typically feels dry and itchy.
2. Repair from the Summer
too much exposure to the sun, which can accelerate the appearance of aging, and if we spend time in the pool the exposure to chlorine or salt can cause drying and temporary irritation.
3. Clean Pores
4. Exfoliate
The best way to treat flaky, dry skin and stimulate natural oil production, is by exfoliating.
5. Bonus:
You’re also not going to be in the sun as much, so it’s a prime time to start using stronger anti-aging products like retinol.” (That’s because active ingredients like that are typically photosensitive, leaving you more prone to sun damage.)